The Eggbot Extensions
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Inkscape interacts with your Eggbot through a collection of special "extensions" (plugins that extend the capabilities of Inkscape). To see the Eggbot extensions you have installed, launch Inkscape. Once Inkscape is running, pull down the "Extensions" menu. That will show you categories of extensions which are installed. By selecting the "EggBot" category, you can then see the list of supported Eggbot extensions and select one to use,

If you do not see "EggBot" listed in your extensions menu, see the Troubleshooting section below.
A second category of Eggbot extensions -- "EggBot Contributed" -- should also appear. These are unsupported extensions contributed by members of the Eggbot Community.
In the pages which follow, each of the following Eggbot extensions will be presented in detail,
- Eggbot Control -- The controls for sending your drawings to your Eggbot
- Hatch fill -- Generate hatch and crosshatch fills
- Hershey Text -- Replace text with single-stroke engraving fonts
- Preset hatch for fills -- Automate setting the many parameters for Inkscape's "Hatches (rough)"
- Reorder Paths for Speed -- Optimize your drawing for faster plotting
- Stretch -- Circumferentially stretch your drawing for plotting on spherical surfaces
Some additional EggBot utilities are available in our repository for manual installation
- Eggmazing -- Make cylindrical mazes for drawing on eggs
- Post process trace bitmap -- Make Inkscape's "Trace Bitmap" output more suitable for Eggbot plotting
- Twist -- Create geometric designs
If you do not see an "Eggbot" entry in your Inkscape extensions menu, then you likely have not yet installed the Eggbot software. Please see Installing software for directions. Another possibility is that you have more than one version of Inkscape installed and you are running the wrong copy.
The Eggbot Extensions || Eggbot Control >>>