From Evil Mad Scientist Wiki
This page will (eventually) be the central site for documentation of the Bulbdial Clock kit.
Main details about the Bulbdial Clock kit:
- Announcement article at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
- Kit page at evilmadscience.com
Assembly instructions:
- PDF Version (15 MB PDF)
- Page-by-page HTML version
Background and details about the Bulbdial Clock:
- Original Concept at IronicSans.com
- The prototype, at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
- On the design of the Bulbdial Clock, a more lengthy article at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories, with some specifics of the electrical design.
Open Source Hardware documentation for the Bulbdial Clock:
- Electrical schematics are here. (125 kB .pdf file)
- The circuit board design is in gEDA, and you can download the design files here. (200 kB .zip file)
- Source code: standard firmware (updated 8/2010, 33 kB .pde file) (Designed to run in the Arduino environment)
- Also available: "Hello Bulbdial" demo code, in Arduino .pde version or straight avr-gcc version.
- Design of the macetech ChronoDot
- The standard case design is available here. (50 kB .pdf file)
Places for questions, answers, and sharing experiences:
- Bulbdial Forum at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
- Evil Mad Science Auxiliary Flickr Group where you can share photos of your Bulbdial clocks