The Original Egg-Bot Kit
From Evil Mad Scientist Wiki
(Redirected from Egg-Bot)
This page is the central documentation site for The Original Egg-Bot kit from Evil Mad Scientist.
[hide]The Original Egg-Bot Kit[edit]
Main details about the Egg-Bot kit:
- Announcement article for the first EggBot kit at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
- EggBot Product directory at Evil Mad Scientist shop
-, the official site, featuring the Eggbot FAQ
Getting started with Eggbot: Essential documentation[edit]
- Part I: Assembly guide for Basic and Deluxe EggBot kits. Two versions are available:
- (A) Single-file PDF version: Available here, an 18 MB PDF document. (Trouble Viewing? Please click here.)
- (B) Page-by-page online version: Available here.
- Part II: Installing software
- Part III: Making your first plot
Other EggBot Models[edit]
- The Ostrich Eggbot Kit — an extra large chassis for plotting on larger objects
- The EggBot Pro — a refined EggBot with a machined aluminum chassis
- EggBot Model Comparison Guide
Basic-level tutorial:
- Drawing a smiley face, a detailed example, making a simple drawing in Inkscape and formatting it for the Eggbot
Getting started with Inkscape:
- The unofficial manual, "Inkscape: Guide to a Vector Drawing Program"
- A quick guide to Inkscape, from microugly, featuring hints for Illustrator users.
- Inkscape Extension Gallery Featuring additional helpful Inkscape plugins
Advanced topics and tips[edit]
- The Eggbot extensions, a detailed guide to the Eggbot extensions for Inkscape
General Usage
- Framing and pen centering, tips for getting your drawings placed just right on your eggs
- The Eggbot coordinate system
- Pen choices
- What to print on
Troubleshooting and improving precision
Designing for Eggbot
- Methods of creating filled regions
- TSP art, a technique for drawing likenesses of photographic images, based upon the Travelling Salesman Problem
- Tracing images in Inkscape
- Hershey Text Inkscape extension for drawing single-stroke text
- Some hints on optimization
- Text for Eggbot
- StippleGen stippling software
Example files
- Our main example set (including holiday ornament designs) is available from the EggBot Releases page.
- You can also find many EggBot examples posted on Thingiverse.
Special attachments for EggBot
- The Diamond Engraving Tool for Eggbot, capable of engraving hard materials including glass and stone.
- The Egg-Bot Electro-Kistka, a hot wax pen for traditional wax-resist and dye egg decorating.
- Hacks: Some ideas for Eggbot mods
- Running Eggbot from a Raspberry Pi
- Blowing Eggs
- Working with glass ornaments
- Japanese resource for EggBot Extensions by MakiYoshida on Thingiverse
- Help wanted
Support Resources[edit]
Places for questions, answers, and sharing experiences:
- Contact Form at Evil Mad Scientist for all queries, including customer service and spare parts.
- Discord channel -- a chat forum for technical support.
- Eggbot-user Mailing list
- Eggbot Forum at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
- See also Archived Forum, with older discussions
- Eggers EggBot Group on Facebook
- Eggbot Flickr Group where you can share photos of your Eggbot and your Egg-Plots
- Eggbot @ Thingiverse where you can share Eggbot-ready SVG art-- or programs that generate art
- EggBot Art Gallery on Facebook, place to show off your EggBot art
Additional support resources:
- EBB page, about the EiBotBoard that powers the Eggbot
- GitHub Project, where Eggbot software is hosted
- Software Issues List @ GitHub, if you have a bug to report